Dr. Sam Rizk on Good Day New York: #GoldenMakeover & #DeepPlaneFacelift Recovery Insights

Dr. Rizk featured on The Today Show (NBC News) with his Teenage Rhinoplasty patient in a segment on Teenage Plastic Surgery

Dr. Rizk Featured on FOX 5 with a Patient who Underwent a Rapid Recovery Facelift and Neck Lift
Glow Magazine
Date: Spring/Summer 2010
Glow Book Nook
A Roundup of Healthy Aging Resources
“The field of plastic surgery continues to evolve by offering patients personally-tailored procedures and the dramatic results they covet with less downtime. Park Avenue plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Rizk caters to a crowd with distinguished tastes and a discerning eye. He specializes in customized facelifts, necklifts, eyelifts, browlifts and rhinoplasty. Dr. Rizk will address his newest techniques in facelifts, necklifts, rhinoplasty and brow plastic surgery using the high-definition 3D vision system in his book titled The New Face: A High Definition 3D Approach For Natural,Enduring Rejuvenation. Although this system has been used in other non-cosmetic surgeries such as abdominal surgery, prostate surgery, and brain surgery, Dr. Rizk is first surgeon to use it in plastic surgery.
Through 3D telescopic visualization of face neck, surgery can be done with smaller incisions and greater precision. Smaller facelift or nose incisions (inside nose), small telescopes are placed allowing high definition 3D viewing of all structures before they are modified or lifted. This telescope is connected to a high definition camera system which is connected to a console that translates the image in 3D onto a high definition monitor system. Dr. Rizk’s book will be published in English and Arabic for the layman. Dr. Rizk recently appeared on ‘The doctors’ on CBS and on the Dr. Oz Show, where he was the first plastic surgeon to ever perform a nasal high definition evaluation for Septoplasty/Sinusitis on national television.
Plastic Surgery Practice
Date: August 2009
Editor’s Message
A Must-Have List for Aesthetic Bookworms
Every so often I receive new books devoted to aesthetic medicine, and I am pleasantly surprised over how much is available to aesthetic practitioners in book form. In addition, quite a few new books are now published in the new Kindle format for those who use the new handheld book reader from Amazon.
To help you navigate the seemingly endless lists of new tomes about to hit the shelves, here are some titles to watch for: The new Face: A High Definition Customized Approach to Natural Rejuvenation (MDPublish.com), by Sam S. Rizk, MD, Facs, is scheduled for September 2009 release. It promises to offer a completely new approach to facial rejuvenation. Rizk takes on established methods and offers a fresh alternative to the “facelifted”, windswept postop look that has turned off so many people.

Dr. Larry Rosenthal hails Dr. Sam Rizk as the “Picasso” of facial aesthetics on Fox 5

Dr. Sam Rizk Discusses #DeepPlaneFacelift: #Before&After with Dr. Larry Rosenthal

#CosmeticSurgery & Social Media: Dr. Sam Rizk on Realistic Beauty Goals #FacialRejuvenation
Dr. Sam Rizk on Good Day New York: #GoldenMakeover & #DeepPlaneFacelift Recovery Insights
Dr. Rizk Shares the Art of Facial Plastic Surgery

ABC Nightline’s Lead Story – Dr. Sam Rizk & Teen Rhinoplasty

Dr. Rizk featured on The Today Show (NBC News) with his Teenage Rhinoplasty patient in a segment on Teenage Plastic Surgery

Dr. Rizk Featured on FOX 5 with a Patient who Underwent a Rapid Recovery Facelift and Neck Lift

Dr. Sam Rizk’s Interview on the Today Show (NBC) with Mat Laeur on Teenage Rhinoplasty/Plastic Surgery

FOX 5 National Network, Revision Rhinoplasty – Plastic Surgery Nightmares

ABC NEWS, New Cartilage Sculpting Technology – 3-D High Definition Approach

ABC News 3D High Definition Rapid Recovery Rhinoplasty

CBS “The Doctors” – Precision Rhinoplasty – A 3D Novel Approach for a Natural Outcome by Dr. Rizk

CBS News – Dr. Sam Rizk Speaks About The Pitfalls Of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Plastic Surgery Consultant Discusses Dr Rizk’s Rhinoplasty On Fox 5

Dr. Rizk does Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation Procedures on Fox 5

Dr. Rizk does Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation Procedures on Fox 5

Dr. Rizk does Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation Procedures on Fox 5

Dr. Rizk Does Minimally Invasive Office Procedure On MTV

Revolutionary 45 Minute 3-D High Definition Rhinoplasty on Telemundo

Male Rapid Recovery Necklift and Eyelifts on MY 9 News

Dr. Oz Show – First 3D High Definition Septoplasty/Sinusitis Nasal Evaluation Performed on TV

Dr. Sam Rizk repairs deviated septum, crooked nose and nasal fracture on the producer of the Anderson Cooper Today show (Patient is shown only 1 week after surgery. Her nose will shrink much more over a year.)

Dr. Rizk, a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and a leading Expert, is interviewed on FOX 5 news on Celebrity Plastic Surgery and Revision Plastic Surgery

Latest Advances in Middle East Plastic Surgery on ART International Arabic TV Show “From America”

Dr. Rizk featured on Huffington Post and discusses about Revision Rhinoplasty – fixing collapsed and short noses

Dr. Rizk featured on ABC 20 20 and speaks about how social media increases rhinoplasty surgeries

Dr. Rizk explains when Rhinoplasty is neccessary on Reuters

Dr. Sam Rizk Explains Nose Bridge Dehumping on CBS New York

Dr. Rizk on The Influence of Social Media on Cosmetic Surgery – CBS News
Teen Rhinoplasty Transformation: 1-Year Follow-Up with Dr. Rizk
Remarkable 6-Day Post-Op Teen Rhinoplasty Reveal with Dr. Rizk
Teen’s Stunning Results: 1 Week Post Revision Rhinoplasty with Dr. Rizk
Stunning One-Week Post-Surgery: Facelift, Neck Lift, and More
Dramatic Transformation: 2 Weeks Post Deep Plane Face & Neck lift
Jennifer Fessler: 3 Months Post Deep Plane Facelift & Nose Job with Dr. Rizk
Exceptional Healing 2 Weeks Post Deep Plane Facelift
Stunning Bullhorn Lip Lift Transformation: 2 Weeks Post-Op
One Week Post-Op Open Rhinoplasty with Septal Extension Grafts
One Week After Open Rhinoplasty: Bulbous Tip & Over-Projected Nose
Rejuvenated Transformation: Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift with Blepharoplasty
Remarkable One-Week Post-Surgery Reveal: Deep Plane Lift & Rhinoplasty
2 Weeks After Deep Plane Facelift,Neck Lift, and Midline Platysmaplasty
Revision Rhinoplasty: 6-Month Post-Op Success Story
At 42: Deep Plane Facelift & Rhinoplasty Journey

ABC Nightline’s Lead Story – Dr. Sam Rizk & Teen Rhinoplasty

Dr. Rizk featured on The Today Show (NBC News) with his Teenage Rhinoplasty patient in a segment on Teenage Plastic Surgery

Dr. Sam Rizk’s Interview on the Today Show (NBC) with Mat Laeur on Teenage Rhinoplasty/Plastic Surgery

FOX 5 National Network, Revision Rhinoplasty – Plastic Surgery Nightmares

ABC News 3D High Definition Rapid Recovery Rhinoplasty

CBS News – Dr. Sam Rizk Speaks About The Pitfalls Of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Plastic Surgery Consultant Discusses Dr Rizk’s Rhinoplasty On Fox 5

Revolutionary 45 Minute 3-D High Definition Rhinoplasty on Telemundo

Dr. Sam Rizk repairs deviated septum, crooked nose and nasal fracture on the producer of the Anderson Cooper Today show (Patient is shown only 1 week after surgery. Her nose will shrink much more over a year.)

Dr. Rizk featured on ABC 20 20 and speaks about how social media increases rhinoplasty surgeries
Immediate Post-Op Reveal: Revision Deep Plane Facelift
Chin Implant and Neck Lift Rejuvenating Outstanding Results
2 Weeks Post-Comprehensive
Immediate results: Vertical Deep Plane Facelift
Dr. Rizk Shares the Art of Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Rizk Featured on FOX 5 with a Patient who Underwent a Rapid Recovery Facelift and Neck Lift

ABC NEWS, New Cartilage Sculpting Technology – 3-D High Definition Approach

CBS “The Doctors” – Precision Rhinoplasty – A 3D Novel Approach for a Natural Outcome by Dr. Rizk

Dr. Rizk does Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation Procedures on Fox 5

Dr. Rizk does Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation Procedures on Fox 5

Dr. Rizk does Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation Procedures on Fox 5

Dr. Rizk Does Minimally Invasive Office Procedure On MTV

Male Rapid Recovery Necklift and Eyelifts on MY 9 News

Dr. Oz Show – First 3D High Definition Septoplasty/Sinusitis Nasal Evaluation Performed on TV

Dr. Rizk, a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and a leading Expert, is interviewed on FOX 5 news on Celebrity Plastic Surgery and Revision Plastic Surgery

Latest Advances in Middle East Plastic Surgery on ART International Arabic TV Show “From America”

Dr. Rizk featured on Huffington Post and discusses about Revision Rhinoplasty – fixing collapsed and short noses

Dr. Rizk explains when Rhinoplasty is neccessary on Reuters

Dr. Sam Rizk Explains Nose Bridge Dehumping on CBS New York

Dr. Rizk on The Influence of Social Media on Cosmetic Surgery – CBS News
By Dr. Sam S. Rizk, M.D., FACS.
Dr. Rizk is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and a recognized expert on the latest advances in facial plastic surgery techniques. He performs a range of facial plastic surgeries at his New York practice.