This is an out of town patient from Europe who came for rhinoplasty and is shown 1 week after surgery on his postoperative visit before he takes a flight back home 1 week later. Bump was removed and tip was deprojected and lifted in a masculine way.
*Results may vary.
19 yo male 1 year after rhinoplasty and chin implant. Patient is happier and more confident with more balanced profile. And still looks natural.
*Results may vary.
Patient wanted to remove bump, bring tip closer to face and straighten nose from front. Patient is shown 1 year after open septorhinoplasty to remove bump, refine tip and straighten nose.
*Results may vary.
A patient one year after a rhinoplasty was performed to reduce a bump, slightly lift a dropping tip, and refine the tip. The priority was to maintain a masculine nose.
*Results may vary.
25 year old male with multiple nasal injuries who also could not breathe. Patient had multiple collapsed areas in his nose and a saddle nose deformity. Patient is shown 2 weeks after rhinoplasty and septoplasty using the 3d-open approach with multiple cartilage grafts to collapsed areas.
*Results may vary.
27 year old male concerned with his bump and drooping tip who requested mainly profile changes. Patient is shown 1 month after surgery done through 3 dimentional high definition endonasal approach (incisions inside nose only). Additionally patient could not breathe and had a deviated septum on ct scan. This septum was also corrected at same procedure.
*Results may vary.
47 year old male shown unhappy with his long drooping tip from profile and bulbous tip from front view. Patient has very thick skin. Postoperative picture shown 4 years after rhinoplasty done through and endonasal approach (without an external incision). Patient′s tip was lifted and sculpted with a combination of cartilage reduction, cartilage stitching and tip grafting to support the tip and actually strengthen his tip. Additionally, due to his thick skin, skin defatting was also performed to further achieve tip definition.
*Results may vary.
26 year old male who requested only a profile change and liked his nose from the front view. Patient also had difficulty breathing from a deviated nasal septum. Patient underwent endonasal rhinoplasty to remove the cartilage bump as well as place a cartilage in the tip to balance out the nose. Patient had weak tip support and a drooping nasal tip requiring cartilage graft into the tip obtained from his septum, which was also deviated and repaired at the same time to improve breathing.
*Results may vary.
33 year old Hispanic male unhappy with length of his nose and large bump. Patient is shown postoperative at 1 year.
*Results may vary.
55 year old male status post revision rhinoplasty done with endoscopic approach to correct a polybeak deformity and loss of tip support. Multiple grafts were placed in the tip from the septum. Additionally, patient had nasal valve collapse and deviated nasal septum. The nasal valve and septum were corrected at the same time with cartilage grafts in nasal valve.
*Results may vary.
25 year old male who sustained a nasal fracture with deviation of nose to right who also requested removal of nasal bump and tip refinement. Patient is shown 1 year after rhinoplasty where the nose was straightened and the bump was removed but nose was also too short on profile and was elongated a few millimeters. Procedure was done with endonasal approach and a cartilage tip graft was placed to provide tip definition (harvested from patient’s own septum). Nose was also brought closer to face (deprojected).
*Results may vary.
27 year old male unhappy with his bump as well as long nose who wanted some subtle refinement. Patient shown 6 months after rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
21 yo male who presents for rhinoplasty for both functional and cosmetic reasons. First he can’t breathe due to a deviated nasal septum and history of nasal trauma causing a nasal collapse above tip from profile. Additionally, the patient has a drooping nose tip and hanging columella. The patient ‘s front view was not changed as he was satisfied with that view, only his profile.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrates a 16 year old male patient who suffers from difficulty breathing caused by nasal injuries. The patient underwent septorhinoplasty and is shown 1 year later in the photos above. During the procedure a spreader and camouflage graft was used to correct the male patient’s deviation and saddle nose deformity.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrates a 19 year old male patient suffers from crooked nose, nasal bump, and difficulty breathing from a previous nasal injury and rhinoplasty. The patient underwent endonasal septorhinoplasty and is shown 1 week later in the photos above. The procedure includes a spreader and camouflage cartilage grafts to correct the male patient’s collapsed cartilaginous.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 47 year old male patient who suffers from difficulty breathing caused by a deviation of the nasal septum and nose. The patient underwent septorhinoplasty and is shown after in the photos above. The procedure included multiple sculpted grafts, rotation of the nose slightly and a subtle bump removal. Cartilage grafts were received from the patients nasal septum while.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 33 year old Latino male patient whom desired more balance between his chin and nose. The patient underwent rhinoplasty, chin implant, neck liposuction, and necklift. The patient is shown after without a nasal bump and a more defined and project chin.
*Results may vary.
The Photos above illustrates a 19 year old male patient who suffers from a deviated nasal septum and cartilaginous saddle nose. The patient underwent Septoplasty and endonasal and is shown 6 months later in the photos above. The procedure includes repairing his nasal septum and a cartilage graft using the patient’s own nasal septum into his saddle nose.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 25 year old male who suffers from difficulty breathing. The Patient underwent rhinoplasty. The procedure included a bump removal and tip lift and definition.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrates a 16 year old male patient who suffers from a crooked, drooping nose, and difficulty breathing. The patient underwent septorhinoplasty and is shown 6 months later in the photos above. The procedure includes using cartilage grafts to correct collapsed areas.
*Results may vary.
The photo above illustrates a 45 year old male patient who suffers from inverted v deformity, pollybreak deformity, drooping nasal tip, and deviated septum. The patient underwent revision rhinoplasty and is shown 6 months in the photos above. The procedure included using cartilage grafts for the tip and middle vault of the nose.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a male patient who desired a change in profile and front view enhancements. The patient underwent rhinoplasty and is shown 3 months later in the photos above. The procedure includes elevation of nasal tip, removal of dorsal bump, and refinement of tip. The procedure included a cartilage graft was used to support patient’s tip.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 28 year old Indian male patient who suffers from a bump and drooping nasal tip. The patient underwent ethnic rhinoplasty and Is shown 1 year later in the photos above.. The procedure includes removal of bump and lifting the patient’s tip while supporting it with a columellar strut and grafts underneath.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 15 year old patient who suffers from a deviated nasal septum, and difficulty breathing. The patient underwent septorhinoplasty and is shown 2 months later in the photos above. The procedure includes removal of bump, improving profile and front views, and correcting the deviated nasal septum.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 31 year old Indian male patient who desires a more masculine and defined nose. The patient underwent revision rhinoplasty and is shown 1 week later in the photos above. The procedure included multiple sculpted grafts to define and masculinize the patient’s nose while also adjusting the nostrils to be more symmetric.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 31 year old Indian male patient who desires a more masculine and defined nose. The patient underwent revision rhinoplasty and is shown 1 week later in the photos above. The procedure included multiple sculpted grafts to define and masculinize the patient’s nose while also adjusting the nostrils to be more symmetric.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 21 year old male patient who suffers difficulty breathing. The patient underwent septorhinoplasty and is shown 1 month later in the photos above. The procedure included 3D high definition, 3D mapping and grafting of tip cartilages.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 21 year old male who suffers from difficulty breathing. The patient underwent rhinoplasty and is shown post operation in the photos above. The procedure included 3D high definition and multiple tip grafts to correct droopy nasal tip.
*Results may vary.
18 year old male interested in a rhinoplasty to remove nasal bump and keeping a masculine nose who also underwent septoplasty for breathing. Patient is shown one year after septoplasty and rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
The photos above illustrate a 22 year old male who wished to improve his breathing, drooping nose tip and nasal bump. Patient is shown 6 months after septoplasty and rhinoplasty done through endonasal approach.
*Results may vary.
26 yo male rhinoplasty patient who complains of bump and drooping nose underwent rhinoplasty and tip support and rotation shown 1 year following surgery.
*Results may vary.
This is a patient who sustained a nose fracture and underwent Rhinoplasty to straighten the nose shown one year postoperatively.
*Results may vary.
Male celebrity hair stylist who wanted to remove his bump and lift the dropping tip- Patient shown 2 weeks after endonasal rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
Patient wanted nose bump removed and septoplasty to breathe better. Patient has a history of nasal fracture injury. Patient is shown 9 months after endonasal rhinoplasty/ septoplasty and he is very happy with shape and breathing. Results are very natural and still masculine.
*Results may vary.
Rhinoplasty- patient shown 6 days after open rhinoplasty for bump, droopy tip and tip refinement. Patient is still swollen and tip will drop over next few months.
*Results may vary.
19 year old male would like improvement in front and profile views. Patient has a drooping nasal tip and thick skin and a wide frontal view. Patient underwent septo-rhinoplasty with septal cartilage graft to nasal tip for tip support and definition with 3-dimentional endoscopic approach.
*Results may vary.
Patient is shown one year after revision rhinoplasty, after multiple injuries. This revision rhinoplasty required multiple cartilage grafts to correct the collapsed areas, resulting in his nose being more straight and his breathing improved.
*Results may vary.
Teenage patient underwent conservative septoplasty/ rhinoplasty to remove bump and repair breathing
*Results may vary.
Awards & Certifications
Dr Rizk In The Media
By Dr. Sam S. Rizk, M.D., FACS.
Dr. Rizk is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and a recognized expert on the latest advances in facial plastic surgery techniques. He performs a range of facial plastic surgeries at his New York practice.