This is a patient who underwent revision rhinoplasty with MtF rib bank cartilage and fascia, shown 6 months post-surgery. Issues repaired include: Open roof deformity, Crookedness, Pollybeak deformity and Inverted V deformity
*Results may vary.
26 year old female with a long nose and drooping tip shown preoperative and 6 months after surgery. Patient sent her own picture 2 years after the surgery as a followup.
*Results may vary.
Latino female in early 20’s who underwent endonasal 3d rhinoplasty and nostril reduction. Patient had thick skin and poor tip support which was addressed during the rhinoplasty. Patient sent her own picture 3 years after the procedure as a followup, and again after 8 years.
*Results may vary.
Female patient who had an Open Rhinoplasty. Photos shown here are 6 weeks after surgery.
*Results may vary.
Pt is Ms Angola underwent ethnic RHINOPLASTY with alar base reduction and tip grafts. Patient sent postoperative pictures 2 years after rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
Patient sent her own pictures 6 years after rhinoplasty for bulbous and crooked tip – front views are important to show
*Results may vary.
19 yo patient who underwent rhinoplasty, chin implant and neck liposuction happy with her results sent her own pictures
*Results may vary.
24 year old female of Italian descent unhappy with her long nose, bulbous tip, nasal bump. Patient is shown only 2 weeks after surgery. Note her nose is shorter, with a more refined nasal tip, although it is still swollen. Her profile shows dramatic improvement.The reason to show a 2 week postoperative result is to show that swelling is there but nose still looks much better than before surgery. The tip takes up to 1 year for all swelling to resolve. This beauty broker was so happy with her results she sent a recent picture nearly 16 years after her rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
45 yo who felt everything was dropping and nose was getting larger shown 6 months after deep plane facelift / rhinoplasty / lateral browlift & laser.
*Results may vary.
24 year old female with a drooping and asymmetric nasal tip shown before and 6 months after rhinoplasty and septoplasty. Patient also had a deviated septum to the right shifting the nose to the right.
*Results may vary.
25yo patient underwent revision rhinoplasty with ear & banked rib shown 1 year post to correct saddle nose , open roof deformity , pinched tip , upturned nose and hanging columella.
*Results may vary.
Patient shown 1 year after subtle but impactful rhinoplasty – she sent her own pictures post at 1 year . Bump was subtly removed and tip refined . Subtle rhinoplasties can have dramatic impacts.
*Results may vary.
She is 10 days after open rhinoplasty and alar base reduction.
*Results may vary.
Female patient who had a Primary Rhinoplasty. Bump Removal, Tip Refinement, Lifting hanging tip, narrowing bridge and tip. Patient still swollen.
*Results may vary.
26 year old female shown 1 WEEK after rhinoplasty and septoplasty. Patient had an endoscopic rhinoplasty to shave a bump as well as tip refinement with sutures and tip graft to support the nasal tip and prevent postoperative tip drop. Patient also had a septoplasty to correct nasal obstruction. Note patient is obviously still swollen but still with swelling, can be presentable in a week after procedure.
*Results may vary.
32 year old female requests rhinoplasty because she was unhappy with tip and dorsal before her wedding. Postoperative pictures are shown 6 months after surgery.
*Results may vary.
14 year old female who wanted a smaller nose and parents were in agreement. Additionally, patient wanted her breathing improved. Patient is shown after endoscopic (endonasal) rhinoplasty 4 weeks after surgery. Although patient is swollen, a notable improvement is seen.
*Results may vary.
17 year old female concerned with size and length of her nose shown 6 months postoperatively with a much more aesthetic nose and pleasing nasolabial angle.
*Results may vary.
29 year old asian female who had a flat dorsum and tip with thick skin 1 year after rhinoplasty with dorsal septal cartilage implant and tip cartilage grafts for definition and support of thick asian skin. Notice the increase in tip projection and natural angle between nose and forehead and nose and upper lip.
*Results may vary.
26 year old female with a bump and a large boxy tip deformity. Patient shown 2 years post-Rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
27 year old actress who had a rhinoplasty as well as nostril reduction. Postoperative pictures shown are 1 year post-surgery.
*Results may vary.
26 year old female status post previous rhinoplasty, complaints of collapse on right side as well as droopy tip. Patient underwent revision rhinoplasty with addition of cartilage for tip support and addition of cartilage to the right side of nose to correct the collapse. Patient is shown 2 months after surgery, healing will continue for one year.
*Results may vary.
15 year old female concerned with size and length of her nose. Patient shown 1 year after neck liposuction, chin implant, and rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
54 year old interior designer who had a lower blepharoplasty, revision rhinoplasty with tip lift procedure, as well as facelift/necklift. Shown 2 years after surgery. Patient had baggy eyelids from fat removed as well as lower eyelid laser resurfacing to tighten the skin.
*Results may vary.
30 year old female with very thick skin shown before surgery and 6 months post-operatively. This nose was done with open approach to defat skin and achieve a better result.
*Results may vary.
22 year old female with a large and drooping nasal tip, under projected nose (decreased distance from tip to face) and thick skin shown 6 months after rhinoplasty with refinement of her tip, adding cartilage from her septum to her tip to increase tip projection, removing her nasal bump and nostril adjustment. Note also the tip was rotated for ideal angle between nose and face for a female.
*Results may vary.
55 year old female with previous rhinoplasty complains of over rotated nose, pointy tip, saddle nose and inability to breathe. Patient shown 5 years after Revision Rhinoplasty with multiple cartilage grafts from ears and septum to build her tip, elongate her nose and rotate it down. I also improved her breathing by correcting external nasal valve collapse, where the skin of the nose collapses on inspiration due to excessive removal of cartilage.
*Results may vary.
45 year old female with previous history of rhinoplasty where too much bone was removed and not enough cartilage from area above tip. Additionally, nose is too rotated. Patient had an auricular (ear) cartilage graft to repair bony scooped area. the cartilage bump was reduced and nose was lengthened with a caudal septal cartilage graft. From the front, nostril on right side was reduced to create more symmetry.
*Results may vary.
35 year old female with history of previous rhinoplasty at age 15 where too much cartilage was removed. Preoperative pictures show a severely pinched tip in addition to a scooped out area on the left side near the rim of the nostril. Also the nose is too short. Postoperative pictures shown at 9 months after revision rhinoplasty with the open approach. Patient required a caudal septal extension graft from her septum to lengthen the nose as well as a left alar rim cartilage graft to correct the scooped out hole on the left and bilateral lower lateral cartilage grafts to correct the pinched tip. All cartilage grafts were obtained from patient’s own septum.
*Results may vary.
50 year old asian female requesting refinement in her nasal bridge and tip. Patient shown 4 months after open rhinoplasty with tip grafting using her own cartilage, nostril reduction and a dorsal medpor implant.
*Results may vary.
30 year old female with large bump and long nose. Patient is shown 6 months after rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
22 year old female status post rhinopasty shown 5 years after who had a flat bifid tip and a nasal bony bump and cartilaginous saddle on profile view. Patient underwent septo-rhinoplasty with cartilage graft to cartilaginous saddle deformity.
*Results may vary.
53 year old female who wanted some refinement in her tip and slightly shortening her nose. She felt like her nose became longer as she aged. Patient has a very bulbous thick tip and has a drooping nasal tip. Patient is shown 1 MONTH after rhinoplasty. The tip was lifted and nose was shortened to a more youthful position and the tip was sculpted and defined. The tip will continue to become more defined for 1 year.
*Results may vary.
43 yo female with a severe saddle deformity and absence of septal cartilage to use for reconstruction underwent reconstructive rhinoplasty to correct saddle nose deformity using banked rib cartilage and temporalis fascia (soft tissue obtained from above the ear). The bony bump was reduced, the nose was straightened, and the cartilaginous saddle collapse was built up. The rib cartilage was sculpted using Dr. Sam Rizk’s specialized microsurgical powered instruments to obtain a smooth result instead of the typical method using the surgical knife.
*Results may vary.
30 yo Hispanic/Dominican female interested in rhinoplasty. Patient is shown 4 months after rhinoplasty to remove her bump, narrow her nose and nostrils and also correct her saddle nose deformity above her tip. Ethnic rhinoplasty entails structural grafts in the tip to achieve structural support and definition. Old techniques of Excision of cartilage alone does not achieve a natural outcome. Notice patient’s nose was not rotated because patient is tall and this nose fits her face and body better. Also she is still swollen and the nose will become more refined with time.
*Results may vary.
Patient is a 25 yo patient interested in creating a bridge to nose and more tip definition and reducing nostrils and also lifting the hanging columella. Patient underwent rhinoplasty and a customized medpor implant in nose which is sculpted during the rhinoplasty. Patient also underwent nostril reduction from incisions inside nostrils,rather than from external part near cheek. Patient is shown one year after rhinoplasty. This is considered an ethnic rhinoplasty procedure as patient has thick tip skin and weak tip cartilages as well as a flat bridge.
*Results may vary.
Patient is a 16 year old female who sustained injury to her nose causing a saddle nose deformity as well as difficulty breathing from a deviated nasal septum. Patient underwent a reconstructive rhinoplasty to rebuild her bridge with her own septal cartilage and septoplasty to repair her deviated nasal septum and improve her breathing. Although her postoperative picture is only 3 months postsurgery and patient is still swollen, the bridge shows repair of the saddle nose deformity.
*Results may vary.
15 year teenage patient who underwent rhinoplasty to remove nasal bump from profile, refine nasal tip, and also fix a breathing issue secondary to a deviated nasal septum resulting from injury and difficulty breathing. Patient is shown 5 years postoperatively.
*Results may vary.
32 year old female with previous history of rhinoplasty who complains of a pinched asymmetrical nasal tip and difficulty breathing. Patient has also thin skin. Patient underwent revision septorhinoplasty with cartilage grafts and fascia to nasal tip so soften its appearance. Patient is shown 1 year after revision rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
This patient is shown only I week after revision rhinoplasty / septoplasty with MTF rib bank cartilage to correct pollybeak deformity , hanging tip , collapse of right internal and external nasal valve and caudal septal deviation to the right . Her breathing and cosmetic appearance are improved post-surgery.
*Results may vary.
23 year old asian female complains of lack of tip definition as well as a deviated nose to the right. Patient underwent rhinoplasty with auricular (ear cartilage) graft into her nose to give her more definition. The patient’s own septum was too thin and inadequate for creating the definition necessary in her nose. Patient is shown one year after rhinoplasty with auricular cartilage graft.
*Results may vary.
23 year old female who underwent open rhinoplasty with grafts and alar base reduction. The patient has thick skin making this procedure an ethnic rhinoplasty. The nasal bridge and alar base was slimmed down to better compliment her facial features.
*Results may vary.
25 year old female wished to correct her nasal bump. She underwent rhinoplasty with bump reduction, with slight deprojection and tip lift. Patient is shown here 3 years after surgery.
*Results may vary.
53 year old female shown after revision rhinoplasty with the open approach to correct a twisted bulbous tip on front view and a saddle nose on profile view. Multiple cartilage grafts from the ear and septum were used to build her nose and straighten it.
*Results may vary.
45 yo patient presents for revision rhinoplasty unhappy with her scooped bridged, turned up nose, and hanging columella. Patient underwent revision septorhinoplasty – open approach with grafts. The patient is shown 1 year post revision open rhinoplasty shown with correction of saddle, elongating the short nose, and correcting the hanging columella.
*Results may vary.
1 year post teenager rhinopasty
*Results may vary.
This patient had 3 prior rhinoplasty surgeries and underwent a 4 the revision endonasal rhinoplasty with Dr. Rizk to improve her profile. Patient has retracted nostrils, hanging columella and pollybeak as indicated on the preoperative picture with arrows. Postoperative picture shows correction of hanging columella and pollybeak as well as improvement in retracted nostrils with rim grafts.
*Results may vary.
22 yo female one year after rhinoplasty to reduce and refine nose tip, remove bump, and deproject nasal tip.
*Results may vary.
Revision Rhinoplasty patient shown 6 days later. Preoperative picture shows pollybeak deformity and dropping nasal tip. Bulbous tip which is asymmetric. Patient is still swollen 6 days later, but is ecstatic with her revision rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
17-year-old patient shown 1 year after Rhinoplasty to raise dropping bump.
*Results may vary.
24-year-old female who underwent revision Rhinoplasty to deproject her tip, derotate it, and raise her bridge.
*Results may vary.
Open Rhinoplasty with bump removal. Tip refinement with slight tip lift.
*Results may vary.
17-year-old female underwent rhinoplasty to remove bump, deproject and slightly lift tip, all done through endonasal approach. Patient is shown 1 year after surgery.
*Results may vary.
Our patient 6 months after her rhinoplasty procedure. I did an open rhino to lift her drooping tip. I also removed bump to contour and create a more pleasant tip in addition with neck liposuction.
*Results may vary.
Rhinoplasty to address bump removal, droopy tip, and deprojecting nose. Patient is shown 1 year after open rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
Ethnic rhinoplasty patient with bump and droopy tip underwent rhinoplasty and shown 1 week after open rhinoplasty. Septal cartilage was used to support tip as grafts.
*Results may vary.
This beautiful model and Ms Angola, who was a contestant for Miss Universe, wanted a more refined nose. She underwent ethnic rhinoplasty with nostril reduction, and cartilage grafts to define tip. She sent post-operative pictures, more than 2 years post-surgery. Shown here is only her front view, as that was her only concern. No change was done to profile.
*Results may vary.
45 yo patient shown 1 week after open rhinoplasty for bump removal and tip refinement : note minimal bruising at 1 week . Nose will continue to become more refined.
*Results may vary.
Patient is 25 yo female underwent endonasal ( closed rhinoplasty) to reduce projection of tip and remove bump – patient desired a more feminine natural nose ans is shown 4 months post rhinoplasty.
Patient sent wedding pictures 1 year after rhinoplasty – we are glad to be part of the journey of brides-to-be.
*Results may vary.
55 yo patient shown 10 years after revision 4th rhinoplasty with rib bank cartilage. ( she had come back for rhinoplasty on her teenage daughters 10 years later !!)
*Results may vary.
Patient came from London for rhinoplasty and sent us a follow up picture 1 year after open rhinoplasty with banked rib cartilage and alar base reduction.
*Results may vary.
15 yo patient who underwent rhinoplasty. Patient is shown 1 year after open rhinoplasty.
Note the blue background is 1 year post pictures
*Results may vary.
45 yo African American patient who wanted bump removed and droppy tip lifted naturally.
Patient is shown 1 year after open rhinoplasty with rib bank support to tip
*Results may vary.
Patient sent her pictures 13 years post rhinoplasty loving her nose. Long term outcomes matter in rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
44 yo patient shown 1 year after revision rhinoplasty with banked rib cartilage to correct deviated nose , inverted V deformity , collapsed external & internal nasal valves & pollybeak deformity
Note bruising is related to recent filler use
*Results may vary.
45 year old female who had a previous rhinoplasty and presented for secondary rhinoplasty. Patient wanted a straighter nose and to make her nose longer. Preoperative profile photos show a very short nose and hanging columella. Preoperative front views shows a deviated nose and a collapse of the right upper lateral cartilage and a bone on the right that is not in properly. Patient underwent revision rhinoplasty (endonasal) with osteotomy on right bone and spreader graft on right cartilage collapse and multiple tip grafts to elongate the nose. Patient is shown 6 years after secondary rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
24 yo female who underwent revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Sam Rizk using banked rib cartilage and temporalis fascia to correct an overshortened, scooped nose with multiple areas of collapse secondary to previous rhinoplasties. Patient is shown 1 year following revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Rizk. The short nose is one of the most difficult deformities to correct.
*Results may vary.
54 yo female with history of severe nasal trauma to nasal bridge/nasal reconstruction. Patient has a severe saddle nose, overprojected nasal tip, deviated nasal septum, and multiple collapsed areas in external nasal valve region. Patient underwent rhinoplasty, septoplasty, as well as medpor implant placement on nasal bridge. Patient had septal cartilage grafts to external nasal valve and nasal tip as well. Patient shown 4 weeks postoperatively. Patient was given options of rib versus medpor for the nasal bridge and chose the medpor instead after the advantages and disadvantages of each were given.
*Results may vary.
26 yo female who underwent previous rhinoplasty who wanted further improvement in shape of her nose. She was unhappy with the boxy tip which was also overprojected as well has her bony bump (slight). She underwent secondary rhinoplasty with correction of the boxy tip as well as deprojection of the nasal tip (bringing it closer to her face) and reduction of the bony bump. Patient is shown 1 year after surgery.
*Results may vary.
29 yo female ethnic rhinoplasty patient with thick skin who had previous rhinoplasty who requests improvement in symmetry, breathing and definition. Patient underwent revision rhinoplasty with multiple cartilage grafts into tip and middle nasal vault to correct her breathing and cosmetic appearance. Patient is shown one year after revision rhinoplasty.
*Results may vary.
25 yo with history of previous rhinoplasty and is unhappy with scooped, short nose, with nostrils showing too much and a rotated up tip. Patient underwent revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Rizk using banked irradiated rib cartilage for grafts and Alloderm to soften the edges of the grafts. Dr. Rizk does not like to use the patient’s own rib due to scarring, risks to lung and danger to patient. Banked rib cartilage works excellent and has been used for many years in patients who are collapsed and need significant nose support. Patient is shown postoperatively at 1 year.
*Results may vary.
30 year old female who underwent previous rhinoplasty who presented to Dr. Rizk for secondary septoplasty and rhinoplasty with an inverted v deformity, collapse of her external nasal valves, a nasal hump, and a hanging columella, and pinched nasal tip. Patient had trouble breathing as well. Patient is shown 1 year after revision rhinoplasty and septoplasty with grafts to correct the collapsed middle nasal vault and external nasal valves.
*Results may vary.
30 yo female with history of chemical dependency who was concerned cosmetically with her open roof deformity, saddle nose deformity (cartilaginous saddle nose) and also her wide nasal bridge. Patient underwent revision rhinoplasty but since she had not septal cartilage available, banked rib cartilage and temporalis fascia was used as a graft to correct the saddle nose. By raising her nasal bridge and narrowing her nasal bones the brow-tip aesthetics have improved. Patient is shown 3 years after surgery.
*Results may vary.
55 year old female who underwent endonasal revision rhinoplasty for bump reduction to soften her features and improvement in her skin with laser resurfacing. Also note the nasal tip was subtly lifted to improve a slight droop.
*Results may vary.
14 yo patient who underwent septorhinoplasty for functional breathing and cosmetic issues shown 1 week after . Her nose already looks great and her breathing is improved . No nose was broken and the nose was sculpted with minimally invasive powered tools (not typical mechanical tools) which makes it less traumatic and more precis.
*Results may vary.
Patient is 16 yo shown 1 year after rhinoplasty for bump, droopy tip and bulbous tip.
*Results may vary.
16 yo female shown 1 week post rhinoplasty for bump and droppy bulbous tip . Minimal bruising and will continue to shrink over next year.
*Results may vary.
This doctor underwent revision rhinoplasty & is shown 1 week post with elimination of pollybeak & hanging columella deformities.
*Results may vary.
Patient sent her own picture 2 years after revision rhinoplasty to repair upturned nose with cartilage grafts.
*Results may vary.
42 yo patient from Spain shown 1 week after rhinoplasty for bump and droppy bulbous tip. Dr RIZk has many international patients.
*Results may vary.
45 yo patient shown 3 years after deep plane facelift /deep neck lift.
*Results may vary.
Patient is 6 months after revision rhinoplasty #3 with irradiated rib bank cartilage to support her tip and lift droppy tip . She previously had septum & ear cartilage which did not work .
*Results may vary.
History – 30 yo doctor shown 6 months post revision rhinoplasty ( open) with irradiated rib cartilage to remove pollybeak and repair hanging columella.
*Results may vary.
30 yo physician underwent rhinoplasty open with alar base reduction and grafts shown 1 year post, tip and nostrils narrowed and supported and bump removed.
*Results may vary.
Patient sent her postop pictures 2 years after rhinoplasty compared to same time before.
*Results may vary.
*Results may vary.
*Results may vary.
*Results may vary.
*Results may vary.
Patient is 4 months after rhinoplasty / chin implant. Note jawline / nose balance by removing bump and augmenting chin creating a better jawline.
*Results may vary.
Teenage Rhinoplasty patient 3 weeks post.
*Results may vary.
Teenage rhinoplasty patient sent her own before/after pictures at 1 year post rhinoplasty for bum o & droopy/bulbous nose tip
*Results may vary.
Patient is shown 1 year after rhinoplasty /chin implant
*Results may vary.
Awards & Certifications
Dr Rizk In The Media
By Dr. Sam S. Rizk, M.D., FACS.
Dr. Rizk is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and a recognized expert on the latest advances in facial plastic surgery techniques. He performs a range of facial plastic surgeries at his New York practice.