This NYC patient sought the expertise of Dr. Sam Rizk to address her longstanding discomfort and aesthetic concerns with her eyelids. Since the age of 25, she experienced heaviness and sagging skin that made her look tired and aged, despite feeling well-rested.
Detailed Surgical Plan for Best Results
Recognizing the patient’s unique needs, Dr. Rizk opted for an upper blepharoplasty to rejuvenate her eyelids. The procedure aimed to remove excess skin and correct the asymmetry between her eyes, where the right eye had about 2 extra millimeters of skin compared to the left. Dr. Rizk ensured precise incision placement, typically 8 to 10 millimeters at the fold in the skin of the upper eyelid (supratarsal crease), to ensure the scars would be hidden naturally.
Refreshing Upper Blepharoplasty Results
*Results may vary.
See More Real ResultsUpper Blepharoplasty Surgical Technique and Process
Dr. Rizk’s meticulous approach involved curving the incision to lift the hooding of the eyelids, avoiding any downward pull that could result in a tired appearance. This careful marking and cutting were crucial for achieving a symmetrical and youthful look.
During the procedure, the use of tape restricted eyelid closure slightly, which was normal and temporary. The patient experienced minimal discomfort and no pain throughout the process.
Progress and Healing: 6 Days Post-Surgery
Six days after the surgery, the patient’s recovery was progressing smoothly. Following Dr. Rizk’s strict pre-op and post-op instructions, she experienced minimal swelling and was healing nicely. The sutures were set to be removed the following day, and her eyes already showed significant improvement in symmetry and appearance.
Dr. Rizk’s Expertise in Upper Blepharoplasty
Dr. Rizk’s ability to address and correct asymmetry and excess skin in a single procedure highlights his ability to achieve superior results. His expertise in facial plastic surgery makes him an ideal choice for patients seeking rejuvenation in New York City. Contact his office today to schedule a consultation and discover how his advanced techniques can enhance your appearance and comfort.
Dr Rizk In The Media
By Dr. Sam S. Rizk, M.D., FACS.
Dr. Rizk is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and a recognized expert on the latest advances in facial plastic surgery techniques. He performs a range of facial plastic surgeries at his New York practice.