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Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Plastic Surgery Please Call for Pricing 212.452.3362 1040 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028, United States

Facelift Surgery

5.0 stars

Oh face, Oh face, I love you so
But where oh where are you starting to go
Down south you say, for a long vaca
But look what you’ve done; now I have to pay
I have to pay Dr. Rizk a lot of money
So when he makes his Incisions, back up you go honey
Now a note to you Dr. Rizk,
I’m coming to you cause you’re the master of the fix
So think young, beautiful, natural, and symmetrical
Remember I don’t want to look like I was shocked by something electrical
Not only are you skilled with those wonderful hands, but It’s also
a pleasure to look at such a handsome man
So Dr. Rizk when all is said and done
I’ll remember you as the only one
I’ll refer everyone I know for the rest of my days
And you can be assured they’ll be able to pay.

by DC

Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Plastic Surgery Please Call for Pricing 212.452.3362 1040 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028, United States

Revision Deep Plane Facelift Review

5.0 stars

This review on my face and neck surgery with Dr Rizk has taken me a few months because I want it to be as detailed as he is. I came to Dr Rizk as a revision case. After my first surgery I was left a complete disaster. A complete fail. Not a few minor tweaks, but I was left with a completely distorted face and neck. I spoke to surgeons on both coasts about revision surgery and its a tough go of things. To put it bluntly, nobody wanted to touch me. Who wants this mess on their operating table. As a few surgeons said, “I am not trained for what you will need.” At least they were honest. Then I was introduced to Dr Rizk. It all starts with the first call…Dila. She spoke to me so kindly and in that instant I took my first deep breath in 18 months. She had seen the pictures I sent in and took the time to compassionately offer her heart. Assuring me everything was going to be okay. That is not typical of a plastic surgery office…trust me. I have spoken to dozens of offices and first point of contact needs to take lessons from Dr Rizk’s team. I flew to NYC to meet with Dr Rizk and his knowledge and expertise blew me away. He carefully went over every square inch of my face, neck, and eyes and explained exactly how he was going to approach my surgery. His enthusiasm for his chosen field is like a shot of dopamine. The man loves what he does, and he brings you into the conversation. He wants you to be in the know. His transparency, skills, and personality calmed my fears. He listens, he cares, he loves the problem solving. The challenge. You can feel it as he speaks. There is no doubt that Dr Rizk planned to be the best in the field. Learn about his background…as my daughter said, “How is all that possible, in that amount of time? Ok, so he’s a unicorn!” His entire office invests in the patients. I felt as if my family had just grown after meeting them. Everyone cares and they all know exactly what is happening with each case. The nurses Tatyana and Jola are at the top of their profession, and wonderful at hand holding if you need it. Dila is etched into my heart for life! Heidi and Daniela….. call them the Dream Team for a reason! There is a lot of mental security in knowing that an entire office is aware of your surgery and can help with questions that you may have. Surgery day….I was excited. I knew I was in the most skilled hands and Dr Rizk was going to put me back together – although he had no idea what he was going to see once he got in there! Dr. Scolnick was my anesthesiologist and took away every concern I had! Krill was the surgical assistant and was in the operating room when I walked in. I felt cared for in a way I can’t quite describe. I am walking proof that Dr Rizk is the best. He was checking on my progress, in person, for days. If I thought he was effervescent and enthusiastic prior to my surgery….well, he was lit up explaining what he did to make me whole, and feel beautiful again. My revision surgery is flawless. I felt incredible on day 2. I don’t think I had even one bruise. I do not have a scar anywhere….how does this man/surgeon stitch these teeny individual mini stitches? He’s magical and I look 20 years younger! Additionally, I require another surgery – on my eyes. Believe it or not – my upper and lower bleph was horrific. Dr Rizk has worked together with the occuloplastic surgeon in order to prepare me for that surgery in January. Dr Rizk needed to ‘prepare’ the area in such a way to provide the occuloplastic surgeon with enough extra skin to help achieve the success on this delicate procedure on my eyes. I will then return to Dr Rizk for one final review. And maybe some laser and less invasive work for the icing on this cake 😉 This is a process. Dr Rizk said, “I am here for you. From beginning to end, we will get this all fixed.” He has so much integrity and I know that he and his staff will see me through all of this. I am so thankful and I am so blessed.

by Revision Deep Plane Facelift Review

Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Plastic Surgery Please Call for Pricing 212.452.3362 1040 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028, United States

Facial Plastic Surgery

5.0 stars

Dear Sam

Well, it has been 2 years since you have recontoured my nose and the compliments continue to pour in! I must say it was a long journey of consultations with some of NYC’s most well known facial plastic surgeons until I stumbled upon your Upper East Side office. I knew from the second that I met you, that you were “the one” ha ha. None of the others could compare!

You instilled in me a sure confidence, instantly making me feel that my surgery was left in the hands of a true professional, mastermind, artist. Now after sending you all of my closest friend’s and family’s faces…I stand my ground on claiming you as the most talented surgeon out there! Your work is truly exceptional Sam.. as are you!

To have the ability to be able to change people’s lives is something that must make you extremely proud. Your talent is truly unsurpassed Sam! I will continue to refer to you all of my patients, clients, family and friends…because I believe in your work that much! It makes me feel great to share that gift, that you so naturally render, to others!

Thank you for being the brilliant surgeon that you are.. and thank you for being such a wonderful friend!

by M. F.

Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Plastic Surgery Please Call for Pricing 212.452.3362 1040 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028, United States

Facelift Surgery

5.0 stars

Dear Dr. Rizk

I cannot think of anyone who has made a greater impact on my life than you have. I was never a very pretty girl and never as popular as many kids in high school. After a long marriage, I went through a divorce that all but destroyed my self esteem. I felt abandoned, discarded, invisible, old and haggard. I thought my life was over and that it was too late to rebuild it. Then God blessed me and I met you.

Dr. Rizk, you did not just perform surgery, your incomparable skill, unique talent performed a miracle on my face. You not only restored my self esteem, you give me a confidence and self love I never had when I was yong. I look in the mirror and feel like I have my whole life ahead of me. I feel like there is nothing I can’t do. I feel young again

I want to my 40th high school reunion on Nov.7. Out of 200 students I was the talk of the graduat class. I could here groups of women exclaim, “Did you see her? Did you see how fantastic she looks?” The women were shocked and the men surrounded me. My ex-husband wants to re-unite and my whole life has turned 3600 thanks to you! Thank you doesn’t seem adequate for I could never repay the gift of beauty you gave me. All I can do is love, honor & admire you for the rest of my life. May you receive all that you give you deserve because you are the best.

Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Dr. Sam Rizk, MD Plastic Surgery Please Call for Pricing 212.452.3362 1040 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028, United States

Neck and Face Lift

5.0 stars

Dear Doctor. Rizk, when Michaelangelo was asked how he managed to carve David from a single block of marble Michaelangelo said, “David was always in there. I merely set him free.”

And while most scientists agree that we will never be able to create a time machine, the likes of which were written about by H. G. Wells, Doctor Rizk has managed to create for me a tribute to both of these masters. It is as if through a time machine, Doctor Rizk has brought me back many years and freed the girl I use to be. My neck and face lift both seem to have been done by yet another master. Thank You Doctor Rizk!

by Kathy Hossler

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Sam Rizk, MD

By Dr. Sam S. Rizk, M.D., FACS.

Dr. Rizk is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and a recognized expert on the latest advances in facial plastic surgery techniques. He performs a range of facial plastic surgeries at his New York practice.

Learn more about Dr. Rizk | Dr. Rizk's Google Scholar

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